Home garden
2021 - 2024
Saint Paul
Started out as a thicket of buckthorn, orange daylilies, honeysuckle, and weedy trees. Manually removed these and replaced with primarily native plants which I continued to propagate to fill out additional space. In 2021, the front area was the primary focus for eradicating invasive plants. During 2022-2023, the rain garden, back alley, and side yards were the main focuses. During 2024, the boulevard was largely converted into a garden with shorter lived forbs like Rudbeckia hirta filling the space in between a matrix planting of younger grasses like Sporobolus heterolepis and Carex sprengelii.
The following photos are from 2024 completed as a part of my intern hours for the Ramsey County Master Gardeners and run from spring to fall.